Thursday, April 8, 2010

Funding Opportunities

Grant Opportunity For Youth-based Organizations

Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative
The US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Adolescent Health (OAH) has $75 million in grant money available under President Obama's Community Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative for FY 2010.
PURPOSE: To fund the replication of programs that have been proven effective through rigorous evaluation and to demonstration programs to develop and test additional models and innovative strategies.

ELIGIBILITY: public and private entities that have programs proven effective through rigorous evaluation to reduce teenage pregnancy, behavioral risks underlying teenage pregnancy, or other associated risk factors.
OVERVIEW: Applicants will undergo screening for completeness and responsiveness. Applications that pass this initial screening will then be evaluated through an objective review process. Successful applications will result in the award of an estimated 150 cooperative agreements.
CATEGORIES: Funding is available for two broad program types:
• curriculum-based programs that seek to educate young people about topics such as responsible behavior, relationships, and pregnancy prevention and
• youth development programs that seek to reduce teenage pregnancy and a variety of risky behaviors through a broad range of approaches.
GRANT DEADLINE May 17, 2010.
Award decisions for teenage pregnancy prevention replication grants are anticipated to be made in September 2010.:

Grant Opportunity For K-12 Schools
Investing in Innovation Fund (i3)
The U.S. Department of Education has $100 million in grant money available under the Investing in Innovation Fund (i3) for FY 2010. The (i3) fund is part of the $650 million American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).
PURPOSE: To support local efforts to start or expand research-based innovative programs that help close the achievement gap and improve outcomes for students.
• improve K-12 achievement and close achievement gaps;
• decrease dropout rates;
• increase high school graduation rates; and
• improve teacher and school leader effectiveness.
ELIGIBILITY: Individual school districts or groups of districts, and entrepreneurial nonprofits can submit applications.
Colleges and universities, companies and other stakeholders can be supporters of the projects.
QUALIFIER: Applicants must demonstrate previous success in closing achievement gaps, improving student progress toward proficiency, increasing graduation rates,
or recruiting and retaining high-quality teachers and principals.
• Scale-up Grants: The largest category is for programs with potential to reach hundreds of thousands of students. Applicants must have a strong base of evidence that their program has had a significant effect on improving student achievement.
• Validation Grants: Existing, promising programs that have good evidence of their impact and are ready to improve their evidence base while expanding in their own and other communities.
• Development Grants: The smallest grant level designed to support new and high-potential practices whose impact should be studied further.
Grant recipients will be required to match federal funds with public or private dollars. Successful applicants will need to demonstrate how their programs will be sustainable after their federal grants are completed.

If you need help putting these applications together contact Roberts & Associates. We are here to help.

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